Spices, spices, spices! This recipe is thick with 'em, and your taste buds will be thick with pleasure from Moroccan Chicken. This exotic tasting dish...
Sweet and savory stewed chicken with dried fruits and exotic spices. Serve this on top of couscous and top with toasted almonds and fresh cilantro. Children...
When I made this dish I left the kitchen window open. The smell attracted several male neighbors, and when my husband came in, he said that it smelled...
Serving a gorgeous, fancy-looking holiday roast doesn't have to be complicated, time-consuming, or expensive. This pork loin proves exactly that. This...
A delicate, flavorful dish that will satisfy vegans and carnivores alike! Inspired by my family's deep Coptic Orthodox Christian tradition, this is a great...
Tagines are Moroccan slow-cooked meat, fruit and vegetable dishes which are almost invariably made with mutton. Using lamb cuts down the cooking time,...
Amazing chicken skewers my mom used to make when I was younger. These are great fresh of the grill and even better reheated. I love to meal prep this and...
A flavorful chicken stew that uses exotic spices and nice vegetables served over whole-grain couscous. This recipe was actually a real chicken contest...
Harira is a famous Moroccan soup, and here's a hearty vegetarian (and vegan!) version - packed with tomatoes and chickpeas and flavored with paprika, turmeric,...
This tagine is a deliciously spicy meal that is my go-to dinner for guests, because everyone loves it and it's vegan! I usually pair it with some cumin...
Lentils, rice and pasta are cooked and then served in a spicy tomato sauce. This is a typical Egyptian dish that is very good and cheap over here! Puree...
In this dish, the Instant Pot® is used to create a dish reminiscent of a slowly braised stew in a traditional clay tagine. It's a sweet-and-savory, highly...
Your Instant Pot® replaces the traditional clay or ceramic cone-shaped cooking pot used in Moroccan cuisine (the tagine). The word 'tagine' also refers...
Falafel, or ta'ameya as we call it in Egypt, is an all-time favorite street food. In most parts of the Middle East, falafel is made with ground chickpeas....
This easy dry rub blasts the fish with unique Middle Eastern flair and is perfect paired with other cold sides and salads. Roast it in the morning to enjoy...
Umm Ali is a delicious traditional Egyptian dessert equivalent to North America's bread pudding. You can serve it warm with a scoop of French vanilla ice...
A vegetable-full curry! Serve this curry over your favorite rice and you're sure to have a tasty meal. If you have carrot-ginger juice available to you,...
Butternut squash, chicken thighs, spinach, and spices are thrown together and cooked quickly and easily in an Instant Pot® in this Moroccan-inspired chicken...
This Egyptian dessert contains phyllo dough or puff pastry, milk and nuts. Use any kind of nuts that you would like and eat it with a spoon. Legend has...
Every Shabbat my mother-in-law makes this fish. I've modified it since the fish she uses in Israel isn't available in the Midwest. When you smell this...
This is a gorgeous, easy and pretty quick version of lamb tagine I made on Valentine's Day. For an authentic feel we ate it with our fingers--it was a...
This Moroccan recipe was passed down for generations in my family. We usually serve it on the Sabbath night and holidays. It is a favorite! This dish may...
A true crowd pleaser, this sweet chicken is very juicy and goes very well with white rice. I have modified it from an original Djedjad recipe which calls...
Koshary is pretty much Egypt's staple street food. You can find anything from a 2-story koshary restaurant to a man with a cart on the side of the street....
This is a popular dish made with preserved lemons in all Moroccan homes and is also served at weddings. Each home makes slight changes in the recipe. This...
Cornes de gazelle are crescent-shaped cookies that are filled with a sweet almond-orange blossom filling and are topped with crushed pistachios. They popular...
Eggs are a great, healthy protein, which is essential for keeping your sugar levels in check. In America we often think of eggs as a breakfast food but...
This traditional Egyptian hibiscus tea is made with loose dried hibiscus flowers, which are left to steep in the tea as it cools so the tea is quite strong....
Sure, you can make falafel from a mix but frankly, it's a far cry from authentic falafel. This is the best falafel recipe I know of. You can find dried...
Couscous is the traditional family meal on Fridays in Morocco, and best when made by a Moroccan mom. When I was living there, my roommates and I would...
Duqqa or dukkah is an Egyptian blend of nuts, seeds, and spices and enjoyed as a starter or snack to dip with bread or fresh veggies. It's so deliciously...
Kofta is a popular dish made from grilled ground beef that is served throughout the Middle-East. This is a wonderful and simple version I picked up in...
A magnificent sweet and spicy lamb recipe. You can increase cayenne and other spices to suit individual tastes. Serve in warm pita bread with mixed greens...
These make a lovely cookie for Valentine's Day. NOTE: Rose water is not strong enough flavoring. Be sure to use rose fluid, available from many drugstores....
This recipe calls for minimal ingredients, and is fast to make. If you can't find Moroccan seasoning, feel free to make your own, but the taste may be...
This is a Moroccan take on shepherd's pie. Delicious combinations of savory and sweet, with lamb and turmeric simmered with cinnamon, raisins, and sweet...
The preserved lemon in this extremely tasty dish brings out the full flavor of the lamb! I serve these lamb chops on a bed of couscous, with tabbouleh...